Tuesday, December 27, 2011


 Phil wouldn't steer you wrong would he?


clicky up deres ^

If you don't know what pinterest is, you are really really missing out on something inspiring!  And for those of you who like to organize everything and are looking for a way to keep handy your interwebs findings..  this is def. for you! 

Do it!

Christmas time

It went fast as usual...  but trying to get my christmas cards together led me to some interesting photo shoots last sunday night...

And of course what I had planned to do for my cards ended up totally different...

So these are the photos I used...
I started a 2-page layout using these (minus the words) so I'll post that when I'm done.

There's a lot in the works for MadebyFitty.com

My husband is jumping on board to help with a web tutorial type project so that should be fun.  I plan to include Eleanor (Roo) --->
also since she just got her own sewing machine from Santa.

I have to say, she is quite crafty for a 2-year old... lol

Have a good night!

morning...  darn it why am I up????

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Oh Christmas Fleece, Oh Christmas Fleece...

Ok, here's the finished product.
Though Cliff wouldn't really let me get a pic of it without him in it...
I think I may have to make him one...

Daryl told me I spelled her name wrong...  
Eh... a few extra O's never hurt anyone.

So after making this, I decided this kinda thing would make a good gift... so I made two more but this time tweaked the recipe and added a little custom printing.  

I randomly found a sheet of that printer fabric in my drawer of printer paper and immediately the wheels started turning.  What kid doesn't like to look at their own face... on anything! I wish I could remember what brand it was because the photos printed beautifully, even after I messed with them. I kinda wanted em' to have that faded out old fashioned look.  

So instead of printing out the whole body, I just did their heads and appliqued scraps for the body.  The arms and lets I did with a zigzag stitch in the name of whimsy...
I only made them a sq. yard.  Figured it was a nice lap blanket or something easy to take in the car...

Just big enough to roll up in...

So I have some pieces of fleece left... I think I smell a Norma and Cliff present...  that is if I finish my Christmas cards...

merry merry merry merry merry merry merry merry!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Fabric scraps??

The best thing I’ve found to do with fabric scraps is…
Eleanor 014
to make appliques.

I’ve been itching to make a Christmas blankie for ROo this month…  and luckly JoAnn had a sale on fleece and flannel…
So I thought … why not make some appliques from my XL pile of material scraps that I can’t bring myself to throw out. Well it’s not that I can’t bring myself… I just plain think it’s a BAD IDEA!  lol.  They come in handy for tons of purposes. 
*Wrapping presents
*Making Collages
*Making dog clothes…  (see video here)
Eleanor 012_thumb

Ok, maybe not baking so much…
1.  Pick out your fabrics and Iron on your fabric adhesive paper (heatbond)
2.  Wait till it cools off a bit…  10 seconds…
3.  Cut out your shape.  My trees are just triangles so I didn’t think it was necessary to pre-cut a pattern.  But you can make one out of paper and then trace it on the back of the heatbond reversed and then cut it out.  The simpler the shape, the better. Remember you’re gonna have to sew around it .
4.  Peel of the backing and iron it on to whatever background you’re using.
5.  Then sew the edge of your applique.  If you plan on washing the item you’re making… you’re best bet is to zigzag a tight stitch around the edge to prevent fraying. If it’s a display item or something you won’t be throwing in the wash, you can use a straight stitch but just be aware the edges won’t be as secure. And also remember what look you’re going for… a zigzag will leave a substantial outline to your applique so take that into account when choosing your thread color. Or you can choose black to make your appliques stand out.
I’ll post the end result at a later date…

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

So little time... so much Christmasing to do!

Even though, like all of you, I have a chalkboard wall full of things I need to do in the next couple weeks,  I still found it a good idea to scrap a random christmas photo from last year...  WHAT is my damage?
I don't quite know but I do know... when something inspires you, you gotta jump on it.  I'm so so very behind on my own scrapbooking that I'm no where near even last christmas...  so at least I can cross one page off...  I think it happened because I was looking through my computer for Christmas photos to put up around the house...  Anyway,  it's no lie I made a few ornaments and tags before I dove into this... so it wasn't a total waste of a night.  And it made me happy.  And I needed a 'happy' diversion to put me back on track.

So here's the color version.  Though I love color...  for some reason B&W and Sepia just set  a mood that I'm so addicted to... so I apologize and it will happen again...  probably everytime.

So there's my little Roo last Christmas...  I just wanna SQUOOOSH her every minute I exist! And she says... "Mommy, NO SQUOOOSH ME!!!"
But that just makes me wanna squoosh some more...

AHHHHH, like 18 days till Christmas...

Stay tuned!