Saturday, February 9, 2013


This is nothing new and exciting..  just an idea that I pulled onto the rotation for the week! I thought it was the perfect idea to use up scraps of ribbon and scraps of cardstock.

Honestly, I never bothered to do cards for Eleanor's class before...  (bad mommy) I was just never big on making cards on a regular basis.

But this year I thought I'd redeem myself and do the 20 cards and be done with it! And turns out, It was the perfect activity for Eleanor and my niece Norah to do together this past weekend. They picked out some Christmas ribbon... Dora Ribbon... Spongebob Ribbon...etc.



And it was also a great way to use up a bunch of that ribbon that's just collecting in a box that I probably won't ever use all of.
I only used a little bit of this lace trim because I do use that quite often..

Anyway so here's what you'll need:

1. Ribbon, trim, or fabric scraps

2. Card stock

3. Some kinda glue,  I used Liquid glass...(Elmer's would prob do the trick too, but I think Roo ate it all... I mean...  dumped it in a bucket and dipped her hands in and pretended she was getting a paraffin manicure.)

4. Scissors



A. Cut hearts out of squarish peices of cardstock.

( I totally used my die cut machine... I can't lie, I was just being lazy and didn't have enough safety scissors around.  If you have a big heart punch?!? )

B. Cut strips of ribbon no bigger than your square.

You can either buy blank cards from the craft store, or fold your own cardstock to make the actual card.

C, D- See visual below:photo 1


There are several ways you can attach the heart.

I sewed all of mine on...  but if you don't have a sewing machine;

You can glue them,  affix them with brads... even staple them...


So that's the main event... after that you can either leave em like that, or add some stamping or words. I just added a little decorative border stamp underneath the heart. I was looking for some kinda smooshy word stamp at first, but I gave up and figured the heart showed enough love on it's own...

And that's it. Clean, simple, and easy.

oh, and here's our new friend Kevin... he wanted to say hi and that he loves you.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Fashion Show Music

Sometimes ... life is really stinky.

And it makes you wonder how things like this:

wlNOEFWINTERfit into it.

She's next to me now telling me how her baby bear is growing up too fast as she's drawing on the chalkboard wall. The thought of her growing up makes me want to cry because I feel like the world isn't good enough for her. I feel like I'm not good enough for her sometimes too...

But we try to have fun as much as possible. EINYRT

These are pics from last weekend when we got a dusting of snow. We enjoyed it until the afternoon sun melted it almost away.

Our house got flipped, turned upside down...  well, two houses and we didn't bother to pick em up. They were just as much fun knocked over.

Hopefully we'll get enough snow to build a third house this weekend!

So this page was from pics of her popping her head through that side window of the knocked over house:

I plan on doing some of the other pics from that day this weekend.


Because keeping up with PL is actually easier than I thought. I don't do a pic from every single day..  but at least a highlight or two each week. We may have to dig into making some Valentine Cards for her classmates this weekend also...

I'm bad about tracking my materials ...  there's not too much stuff involved that didn't come from a SC kit. The embossing powder and heat gun I've had forever from being a CTMH consultant. But you can get that anywhere... Any craft supply store would have it.  You can also get it from me if you wanted?  lol.

I just watched a video by a well known scrapbooker, Shimelle Laine, and she talked about how Scrapbookers kinda hide their hobby from those who aren't into it.

And it's so true, because we feel it's not something that is a respected by most people as more than a waste of time.  I get crappy comments like "you must have nothing better to do." But I think it's important to leave time for things you enjoy...even if you're  a single mom of 17...  I didn't have much time for it when Roo was a screaming baby 24/7 but now she can do it with me... or any other art project she wants to at the time. It's the perfect kid bonding time.  So if it's between watching TV every night and scrapbooking... which one is a waste of time?

Here is the making of this last layout:

Twelve by 12' ROO flower layout


Enjoy!  And it's probably going to be a great night for staying indoors so craft on my frens!

p.s  I wish I had some good fashion show music to go with this vid...   dang.

xo fittsnersalad