Sunday, June 17, 2012


Well, it seems my daughter has the same fetish for glasses as I do...  only difference, she can see without them...    But she's not quite 3 so I'm sure that will change. Based on genetics, she has a slim chance of anywhere close I CAN SEE WITHOUT HELP!!!

Anyway, so she's been so attached to these little glasses that were an accessory to a build a bear chickie that I got her for Easter.

And since Easter, I've noticed I have a good pile of pics of her wearing these Harry Potter type glasses... and she just looks so darn cute!

So i decided to do some scrap with them...


Because some new youtube scrappy friend Melovebono had posted a challenge, and I decided to participate... I REALLY WANT a $30 to Jo-ANNS... or any other craft store of my choice!

Here's my vid response: MEloveBONOchallenge

And then, I decided some of the other pics with the glasses would work for my card from my daughter to Dad:

And the card:

 And if you want to see how smart they make her, friend me on Facebook and you can watch her in action...  lol...  Find me: Fitty Updike, or my page: Madebyfitty


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