Saturday, September 1, 2012

Smash book update

Though I've been ooogling Project Life online, I decided to add that to my wish list and just smash stuff into my smash books for now.  I've said it before but my biggest problem with scrapbooking or capturing memories in general is my ability to have some sort of order to them.  I hate the usual holiday pages or big events....  I just want to say "Hey, this day we dug a hole and threw some cheese graters in it. We had a blast and here's a photo of it." That's it.

ImageNot that I don't scrapbook  holidays, I do... but only the photos I really like. Actually...  that's what scrapbooking is for me... a way to capture the things you forget over the years about a really great photo. I mean, there's no point to putting your kids 4th grade school photo in a scrapbook. There's no story there... they sat on a stool, and the photographer said, "say cheese".


So my smash book has solved the problem of wanting to put everything down without having to pull an elaborate page out of my brain every time.  There's no order or template to it.  You just glue it in, jot it down, and it's trapped!  Unless of course you lose your book. ImageSo I encourage you to take pictures as much as you possibly can everywhere you go. Even if you have a $9.99 phone, it probably takes pictures so use it! Even if you have no photo editing programs, there are some online but scissors crop just as well! So HAPPY SEPTEMBER everyone!  I'm soooo excited for the fall!  LOVE IT!  Time to start of the Halloween costumes!

P.s. And if you are going to ask me to make a costume for your child (mo) speak now before I get involved in too many other projects!

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