Monday, September 24, 2012



It's almost my favorite holiday so I am determined to get a head start on costumes this year. 

And I probably would've been done with Roo's last month had my sewing machine not crapped out on me.  So I'm kinda depressed because after the dishwasher, fridge, and computer died...  having my sewing machine follow suit was just the cherry on top of my sundae of despair...

But I have to say despite all that material needless woe, I've been pretty chipper lately.  I've packed even more activites into my schedule and somehow feel like I've gotten more done because of it. It's like the Jar of stones theory...  Between all those stones you can fit a whole lot of sand!

So this year my daughter is helping me a little with her costume.  She's being Rapunzel.  No questions... she's been telling herself and everyone else since April that this is what her Halloween costume will be and the decision has not even been tempted to waver.  Though a part of me is disappointed that my control over her Halloween attire is over already, I'm still going to make sure she'll be her own little Rapunzel and not wear the same dress all the other little Rapunzel's will be donning. May not turn out to be the best, but it'll be something we'll do together and have fun doing! Image

SO my darling friend Suzanne agreed to let me borrow her sewing machine for the time being, until I can find another, or find some money to buy one. It can probably be fixed, but it may cost more than it would be to buy.  Still have to look into that... but this way, I'm not spending any extra dough at the moment... 

I'm also bummed because my mom and I signed up for a sewing class monday nights and it got canceled due to not enough enrollment.   I was finally gonna have someone show me all the things I'm doing wrong because I never bothered to actually take lessons...  I wanted to.  But time, money, and availability relatively close to home were always an issue.  And again, I was so excited to fine one I didn't have to travel an hour to... and it's cancelled!  Maybe that was God saying it would've been a waste of time.


Anyway...  so I think I'm just happy because it's my favorite time of year, and it makes me feel extra giddy and inspired. I have a lot of projects lined up...  but again, hard to share as much with little media progs to work with...  my iphone turned itouch has been my main source of sharing as long as I'm in range of a good source of wi's and fi's... 


Any ideas on what to make with that awesome red balloon material?  I'm thinking something for ROo of course... maybe a jumper...  maybe a bag?  I guess it'll have to wait till after Halloween anyway...