Friday, January 17, 2014

Sure, buy your 4-year old a sewing machine!

For Christmas this year, my daughter wanted a sewing machine.  I'd gotten her this one last year, but slightly different colors:


And though it meant well, it broke fairly quickly and was more trouble than it was worth because it frustratingly did not sew like a sewing machine. It's a toy. Plain and simple. So please, if any moms out there are looking to actually purchase a "starter" machine for thier children, do not waste your money on this!

I feel bad bashing this because my aunt actually bought Eleanor one of these this year and gave it to her on Christmas Eve.  And she totally loved it because she remembered how she had one and it broke.  She was 3, so she didn't really know that she couldn't actually make anything with it.  So on Christmas eve, she was excited to play with it!  My nephew, (who also loves to sew), joined in and and quickly realized it's limits.  I actually let him use mine when he comes over and he's pretty good at it.

So anyway, if you buy it as a "toy", then fine.  But just don't expect to get anywhere or be able to teach someone sewing with it.

So this year, when she told me Santa was bringing her a new sewing machine, I decided to look for a real one.  I got an email from Jo-Ann Fabrics about a sale on Janome sewing machines.  I've never used a Janome, but I've heard good things.  They magically had these Hello Kitty themed machines... I thought... how perfect because my daughter is def. engulfed in the whole Hello Kitty universe.


I didn't know what to expect, but I ordered it . And I have to say...  I am so impressed with this machine.  Granted, it's not meant for 4-year olds. This is a machine I would use for myself.  But I thought, why am I going to buy another piece of junk that's just going to get tossed in a year?  It's doesn't have a lot of little extra nonsense, but that's better.  The singer I got to replace my old shark machine has pretty swirlies on it... but honestly, I think this Janome is better.  As soon as I took it out of the box I could "feel" the difference.  It was heavy, sturdy, and just overall put together well.   And the biggest excitement was discovering the vertical bobbin, which to me makes so much more sense! I used a Bernina once at Fabricland when I was visiting my Aunt... and it was "love" at first stitch!  (wow... I just wrote that) But anyway, those had vertical bobbin casings and I thought that was so much better because there's less a chance for tangles and hiccups. Berninas are WAY OUT OF MY PRICE RANGE... but a girl can dream....

So mega points for Janome on this one.  I feel like overall, sewing machines just aren't made like they used to be.  Especially brothers. My mom has a back up machine that's a brother... and it's so light that you have to spend time holding it down while you sew. She hates it too, but it's good as a back-up when you're desperate.  Maybe that saves money somewhere in shipping?  lol...

In conclusion... you're never too young to start sewing!  You know your children well enough to judge when they're ready...  I just wish I started at 4...





  1. Good for you! I wanted a sewing machine or an Easy Bake oven when I was young. I got the Easy Bake oven. I wish now I had gotten the sewing machine! (Don't tell Mom!)

  2. Lol. I promise I won't. I got an easy bake as a kid too... My mom wouldn't let me within 10 feet of her sewing machine!
