Friday, November 30, 2012

It IS super easy!

Is is sooo easy to throw a layout together in less than 30 minutes and still say "Yes. Instead of throwing that away, I will hang onto it!"

There is very little involved here...

1. Three different papers

2. Some letter stickers

3. A couple velum arrows

4. A few brads

5. A a touch of sewing and doodling.

ALL optional.

I threw together this super short vid... it's just a series of photos showing the very short evolution of this layout. Just to throw it out there that YES, you can do some scapbooking on a weeknight! I did this page on a thursday night in about 33 minutes. I used the December Studio Calico kit exclusively! Joining kit clubs I think is a great way to be inspired every month. It keeps things fresh and exciting!
I will be starting one in January for those of you who need a little push! And I will post some ideas along with each kit to get the juices flowing!

The video is not so great, I apologize... but it was the best I could do with my current set up here... :)

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

If your bear needs to help with the cooking...

Then you might want to let them help in the cutest way possible!


I decided to put my holiday material to good use and whip up some aprons for my new shop.
It's less than a day old, so I only have a few things... but I picked out some super duper cute paper crafting items from my favorite suppliers (studio calico, pebbles, american crafts... etc.) and they are on the way and will be shortly available to get started on some Holiday paper crafts!                                                                                                                     APRONSThese aprons make adorable gifts or grab em' for your own little sweetie to help you in the kitchen, or for playing in her own kitchen! I also take custom orders, Just send me a note through my contact page!

I wish I could say I have more of this yellow material with the

"kitchen ladies" on it... but I'm afraid this is it. It just makes me wanna bake and bake and bake and let my husband think I tattooed the smile on my face!

Well, I hope everyone is well on their way to a Merry and Happy season!  If you are shopping, shop indie! It's more personal and makes it highly unlikely that the person will already have that thing!  So check out my new Fitty's Arty Shop page! Like I said, it's like a naked christmas tree right now, but I figured, why wait..  you can even register so when the Christmas scrapbooking kits come in, you won't have to re-type all your info!

Hope the rest of your week is awesome!  And tomorrow, tell someone how nice their sweater is... unless it's not nice. Then offer them yours.

Happy Baking while looking super cute!

Oh, and here's some extra entertaining from Roo..


Friday, November 23, 2012

Hand turkeys

Just a quick post to wrap up Thanksgivings and move onto to Santa!  ( I think I skipped Halloween?  I'll catch up later...)

Besides eating, We did this!!:

My fren Shannon sent me a link from Pinterest of this "todo" on Thanksgiving, and since I already had a blank canvas of a table cloth on my little kitchen table, I decided I might as well get it decorated!

Though Roo kinda made 28 prints of her hand so it might be hard to compare if I tried to add to it next year...  but we'll think of something...  Maybe I could cut out sections and sew em onto a "new" cloth...

And I just thought I'd share another idea that I kinda transferred from my craft room to the mantel.  I kept messing with hanging up photos in the dining room, and in the end the dining room wall is still naked and I just threw this puppy up on the mantel.

I am very short-term relationship when it comes to decorating.  I just use the same stuff around my house and move it to new spots... Like these picture frames.  I got most of em' at a thrift store... but it's funny how once people see stuff in your house, they tend to collect it for you if they come across it for free.  So I've had neighbors and friends surprise me with empty frames for my decorating.  This one was in my kitchen framing the area of magnetic paint that I had my "cheeseburger language words" on.  But since I repainted the kitchen and took it down, It was free for a new purpose.

In my craft room, I had photos hanging on a few lines of twine like this just as a kinda "on deck to be scrapbooked".  So I tied some more twine around the sides of this frame and hung some "not to be scrapbooked" photos. And if you don't have clothespins, paper clips work well too. You can been neat and symmetrical, or messy and overlappy.  I think this what I did is somewhere in-between.  Or you could just keep adding to it and you print new photos.  I dug up some old ones for this just to enjoy that little *sigh* of  remembering whens.

And now my TADA (to do) twine is bare!   And I really like that visual "to do" so photos I really like don't get lost in a box somewhere, so I better re-fill it!

And now onto some Merry Merry Craftings! 
Hope you and your families had a wonderful Thanksgiving! xo

Monday, November 12, 2012

Jersey Smash

Here's just another smashed page from another good day in Jersey Pennsylvania!
I know a lot of bad days have been going around due to the past couple weeks of nightmare weather, and I can't even begin to understand the devastation that some people are dealing with now... but I know there are gobs of good days to be had and are starting to get made in the making of being made to be making good of more days.... of noodles... and noodling noods of needles. Yes. SMASHThe too light blue paint fumes are seeping through my skull and I can't be held accountable for what words make up this post.
In other news:
I'm postponing the first workshop due to power outages and the like... Not having the interwebs just kinda held up my supplies and togetherness puttings. So... now that it's back, it's time for thanksgivings already!!! AHHHH I can't believe it. Nough' said. Time to think about a different color to paint these walls...

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Planning is Important!

I say turn everything into a scrapbook! Like your planner!


Peter: "Hey Fitts, you up for roller skating this saturday at 6pm?  All the cool kids will be there!"

Me: "Yea sure, that sounds off the chain! Or should I say, off the left side wheels on my right foot! I'll be there for sure"

Peter: "Cool franks!  I'm so glad you could come, Wendy is going to be there and she hasn't seen you in like... EONS!"

Me: "No way! That's awesome!  I can't wait to catch up with her!"


and then I check my planner calendar thingie shoved in my way too many notebooks bag and there it is with little flower and heart stickers surrounding it. "George and Princess Beautiful get married"

So anyway, I'm on yet another mission to make my planner so damn cute that I can't go  a day without adoring it's pages and consuming the dated information!

Well, off to werky...  Have a FUN Wednesday and stay dry if you're in Jersey like me!


Monday, October 29, 2012

Halloween in November


If you don't plan to scrapbook any other Halloween, plan to do this years. When has Halloween ever been in November?

I couldn't help but start with this photo because it's my favorite. It just... looks like I swiped it out of one of my mom's old photo albums.

We tricked and treated around Grandma's neighborhood just for a couple hours in the cccccooolld.  But from the looks of their collections of goodies, we could've said we were out all day.

This is mostly made up of Jennie Bowlin stuff.  A think I stole the yellow and grey polka dot paper from a Studio Calico kit...  and the instagram button. I just LOVE that. Even though this photo wasn't an instagram... it looks like it should've been.

Up in the top right corner where the scalloped circle is... well the main purpose of that is to cover up a BOOBOO! lol... I frequently get a little quick with the ink pad and end up dropping it on the paper.  So that's what happened here, i got a big smudge of brown ink up there and I just didn't like what it did for the page.  So I just punched out a circle and covered it.

IT's THURSDAY! my fave day! Except for my head hurtsness.... errgh.
And looking forward to some time with friends tomorrow night!... and the next night...
and... hopefully in there do some Holiday decorating around here!

fitts Mcfinister!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Dunt Dunt DAAAAA!

Since New Jersey is at the mercy of the impending doom approaching..  Roo and I decided we might as well get arty and crafty in case all our supplies end up in a van down by the river in the upcoming days.

Another thing I'm glad we were able to squeeze in before the end of the world was the trip to Storybook Land this past friday! And I got some great shots of my sweetie so I was very eager to get some of em' down in the album.


I didn't use any sewing this time... I decided a staple here and there was good enough.


So I cut out a bunch of 1" circles from one of my papers... and I looked at my swiss cheese paper and said... hey, why not just throw this down too? It does match... and it makes a neat frame... It's like when you have no stickers left on the sheet and what's left is the borders.  Why not use it?

It's true.  I'm all about the TRENDY when it comes to crafts. And the currents trends include fabric, handwriting, and... chevron. There are others, but that's a dominant component in what I've seen lately.

Oh, and I forgot to mention my usage of my black pen.  I pretty much use one of those for every page. This one was the one that came with my smash book. It has a glue stick on one end but I must say it just plain don't werk!


So despite all the nervous unknowing... we have had an outstanding Sunday so far. We went to movie church, gave our wallets to the person next to us, (we prob. won't need em much longer anyway...) stopped to gather snacks and pizza, had a couch bed picnic, watched 7 episodes of Adventure Time,washed all the washables, collected water, and got our art on. And now for some pumpkin carving...  I know... better late then NEVER EVER AGAIN EVER IN THE EVERNESS OF THE WORLD!

So stay safe my friends!  And just remember, you can get crafty without power... but you can't pick your friends nose.  ..  ..  I mean, you can get your art on without your pants on, but you can't dry your dog in the rain if the rain is the wet kind.

Keep your pants on.  THERE'S ONE RULE!!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Hay... A happy life tradition.

haytothe rooster

Yes, the pics in the hay that everyone has!

I have them too... And to go with my orange striped fall wardrobe... I have some orangey scrapcents!

October 6th, we went with our dear friends The ROSTA'S to the pumpkin patch...   We saw all the wood cutouts that almost looked just like the characters they intended to be.

This is made with the October studio calico kit... Which really had nothing to do with fall... But I went with a color scheme rather than a theme.

The sewing went a little wonky at some points, but it really doesn't matter in scrapbooking. There's no RULES! 

(put your shirt back on)  THERE'S ONE RULE!

I just LOVE that commercial!!!  I cracked up so hard the first time I saw it... and then the second... and then all the times I watched it on Youtube.

So where was I?  YES YES so there is a giant threadball of pink hell on the back of this page that I neglected to take a picture of.

I'm also getting bored with just shoving my pages into a plastic sleeve and into a binder.

I have this one 12x12 display item that i found on sale one day at AC Moore, and I LOVE IT!  It's like one of those photo flippers on a stand, but big. I'll take a pic of it when I get a chance...   so that's one way I like to display pages... but I tend to just throw in my latest creation, then switch em out.

Well, I better get my butt in gear so enjoy your weekend! 

Enjoy the colors! 

Enjoy the friends!

Enjoy the apples and the pumpkins!

AND Enjoy the ...  frost... to be totally current.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Sometimes... the day before is better than the day of...

Sometimes your daughter has a 3rd birthday.  Actually, it normally only happens once.  After 3, sometimes it skips 4 and goes right to 5... but it never goes back to 3 again. And you're at your moms house because she always has a picnic on labor day, so you bring your newly 3 year old daughter and you also bring your camera because you think you're gonna get some really good pics of her on the exact day she turns 3. But then it turns out to be the yuckiest most HUMIDIFIED day ever there was the whole summer and  your daughter spends the entire day in the pool with TURNY... (i love when nicknames evolve out of mispronunciations from toddlers ) .  Should be Tierney.  :)

So let's just say the birthday pics were a wash...  but the dancing vids from that day will be cherished!

Luckily the day before, I just happened to tote my camera to my friend Michelle's house for her son's 4th birthday party...  and sitting across from Roo, I was able to snap a series of her eating her philly swirl push up pop.  Though I could've easily included 15 pics, I chose my 5 faves and smooshed em into an instagram collage and then cut em apart after I printed them. And this is probably to be my last layout of summerness that I'll do until next year.

So just this past August I

finally got my hands on some Studio Calico kits.  So this is mostly from the August one ... or the September one... I'm not really sure because Roo mixed them together...

But hopefully I can dedicate some pages to just one kit exclusively..  because I LOVE THEM.

And I'm trying a new thing where I just kinda ...  turn off the brain and just go with it.  Ya know how when you think too hard, you just get frustrated and end up with nothing. This way, I just throw it all down and then edit later. Because after you've thrown down, inspiration surely follows and you suddenly just start getting ideas.

To make these sunshiney spotty lights, I used this simple app called "Bokehful".  You can make them in a few different shapes.. the hex is my fav...  as is prob. for most.

If I ever get a new iphone... I fear I may abandon my camera all together because between the apps and the ever-evolving quality of photos it takes...   I may just lose the need...

I've also been addicted to foam adhesives lately.  I feel this need to make things pop out..  So there are several different heights going on with the photos.  You can probably tell from the shadows... a couple are flat... then some are off the page a little, and some a little more.

There are some things in the works that me and my hubs are trying to plan.  Maybe some workshops or collage clubs.. lol.  But we'll keep you posted.  Would love to get together with some of my local friends and make some art!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Digital scrap


I know I've mentioned this before, but it just got easier...


Close to my heart has this great ONLINE software you can use to make digital scrapbook pages.  You have a lot of artistic freedom like you always did, but now they've got what they call "express layouts". 

So if you don't want to think, you don't have to!  They've made layouts for you that are adorable!


There are a bunch to choose from, you just pick the one you want, and slide your pictures over onto it. 

And when you slide in your photo, you'll see this window pop up with more options for editing your photo.  You can change it to sepia or black and white. You can zoom in or out.  You can crop, rotate, and matt it!

And the prints come out beautiful.  I've made books on snapfish, shutterfly, walgreens, cvs, blurb, and Studio J.  And I've loved every one of them.  But the biggest difference I noticed between the photo sites and Studio J is the quality of the photos.  The pages in my photo books seemed to have faded over time and my Studio J prints are still as bright as when I first got them.  They are 12 x 12 high quality prints. Perfect to just slide into your favorite scrapbook.  Also a nice idea to make one here and there and add it into your project life books.

So check it out, play around!  I know you'll love it if you have very little time and want to make something special!





Monday, September 24, 2012



It's almost my favorite holiday so I am determined to get a head start on costumes this year. 

And I probably would've been done with Roo's last month had my sewing machine not crapped out on me.  So I'm kinda depressed because after the dishwasher, fridge, and computer died...  having my sewing machine follow suit was just the cherry on top of my sundae of despair...

But I have to say despite all that material needless woe, I've been pretty chipper lately.  I've packed even more activites into my schedule and somehow feel like I've gotten more done because of it. It's like the Jar of stones theory...  Between all those stones you can fit a whole lot of sand!

So this year my daughter is helping me a little with her costume.  She's being Rapunzel.  No questions... she's been telling herself and everyone else since April that this is what her Halloween costume will be and the decision has not even been tempted to waver.  Though a part of me is disappointed that my control over her Halloween attire is over already, I'm still going to make sure she'll be her own little Rapunzel and not wear the same dress all the other little Rapunzel's will be donning. May not turn out to be the best, but it'll be something we'll do together and have fun doing! Image

SO my darling friend Suzanne agreed to let me borrow her sewing machine for the time being, until I can find another, or find some money to buy one. It can probably be fixed, but it may cost more than it would be to buy.  Still have to look into that... but this way, I'm not spending any extra dough at the moment... 

I'm also bummed because my mom and I signed up for a sewing class monday nights and it got canceled due to not enough enrollment.   I was finally gonna have someone show me all the things I'm doing wrong because I never bothered to actually take lessons...  I wanted to.  But time, money, and availability relatively close to home were always an issue.  And again, I was so excited to fine one I didn't have to travel an hour to... and it's cancelled!  Maybe that was God saying it would've been a waste of time.


Anyway...  so I think I'm just happy because it's my favorite time of year, and it makes me feel extra giddy and inspired. I have a lot of projects lined up...  but again, hard to share as much with little media progs to work with...  my iphone turned itouch has been my main source of sharing as long as I'm in range of a good source of wi's and fi's... 


Any ideas on what to make with that awesome red balloon material?  I'm thinking something for ROo of course... maybe a jumper...  maybe a bag?  I guess it'll have to wait till after Halloween anyway...

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Thanks Ernie.


We had a blasty blast!

Just collaging some memories in my smash book of my bad parenting. Heh. Ok. I don't think it was bad...
I'm sure everyone takes two year olds to concerts. Actually... She was weeks away from 3 so even better!

Yay! Thursday night!
Cha cha cha!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Tracking TADAs!


Well here's my take on a scratch for the activity tracking itch you may have for your kid(s) or maybe even yourself. I know a lot of you are addicted to spreadsheets and lists. I start many only to find they need adjusting and I never quite make it to something that always works for me. I have a toddler, just turned 3 a couple days ago. I feel like she's smart. Who knows... maybe she's not... but I do know that she's into everything. She loves to sing, she loves to dance, she loves to read, she loves to eat, she loves to paint, she loves to glue buttons to my dogs. So I feel as her parent, I should encourage her to do all those things among others that may catch her attention. And also as a parent and a person, I feel some kind of need to track progress. And I'm sure this probably isn't important, but it's ... it's just fun! Just like you use the word spreadsheet and fun in the same sentence! See, we're exactly the SAME! 

On a weekly basis, I thought it would be fun to just set aside time for certain activities including music, art, sports...etc.  So I was thinking for a bit about how to really go about it in a way where she could see what we were doing and sort of get excited about it. I know someone wants to punch me right now...  and probably because life is busy.. and who has time to come home from work and teach their kids which guitar string is G.  But hear me out when I say if you spend 20 minutes a night watching tv, you can split that and spend 10 teaching your kid something. By the end of the week, you'd have 70 minutes! But honestly, It's more about introducing them to new things, not necessarily strictly teaching. 

So I turned this cork board into a "Tada Tracker" for Roo. And I didn't really invent new things for us... most of them are things we do on a fairly regular basis anyway so it was almost like I just started to keep track of them.  Like we usually go to the library on saturday mornings, and then we bake something...  etc.  so I added those.  And just having a piano in the house means your kids are gonna wanna play it, so you might as well show them something while they're playing.  

Yes, those are nails. There are so many ways you could do this, but I decided I needed tags that could be moved so that I had a pile at the end of one week. And maybe some weeks it's not quite a pile, but each activity gets a certain amount of points and we tally it up at the end and write down a number in our points column. 

I mostly used scrapbooking materials to make this.  There is some washy tape bordering the calendar... and I used the inspiration to cut out the words and tags.  You can cut circles easily without a cutting machine... or squares... any shape works. 

You may want to start yours on Sunday, but I kinda just felt like Monday was a good starting point to get down to business. Sundays are a sort of family fun day so I didn't want to start an activity tracker on a day like that. 

So I'll let you know how it's going! I think if anything, she likes seeing what she's accomplished during the week. And if your older child is into a lot of extra-curriculars, tweaked a bit, this could be fun for them too. I might make one for myself.. or hop onto Roo's... anyone can benefit from seeing a pile of accomplishments at the end of a busy week!

Well, goodnight and enjoy the rest of your week!

xo, Fittypants

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Smash book update

Though I've been ooogling Project Life online, I decided to add that to my wish list and just smash stuff into my smash books for now.  I've said it before but my biggest problem with scrapbooking or capturing memories in general is my ability to have some sort of order to them.  I hate the usual holiday pages or big events....  I just want to say "Hey, this day we dug a hole and threw some cheese graters in it. We had a blast and here's a photo of it." That's it.

ImageNot that I don't scrapbook  holidays, I do... but only the photos I really like. Actually...  that's what scrapbooking is for me... a way to capture the things you forget over the years about a really great photo. I mean, there's no point to putting your kids 4th grade school photo in a scrapbook. There's no story there... they sat on a stool, and the photographer said, "say cheese".


So my smash book has solved the problem of wanting to put everything down without having to pull an elaborate page out of my brain every time.  There's no order or template to it.  You just glue it in, jot it down, and it's trapped!  Unless of course you lose your book. ImageSo I encourage you to take pictures as much as you possibly can everywhere you go. Even if you have a $9.99 phone, it probably takes pictures so use it! Even if you have no photo editing programs, there are some online but scissors crop just as well! So HAPPY SEPTEMBER everyone!  I'm soooo excited for the fall!  LOVE IT!  Time to start of the Halloween costumes!

P.s. And if you are going to ask me to make a costume for your child (mo) speak now before I get involved in too many other projects!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Cherry Pink Prints

Cherry Pink Prints

Just stumbled on some delicious digi!

Check it out!

Ok, this photo has nothing to do with this digital goodies store I came across, but with this new wordpress theme, entries without photos just really don't work. lol.
So I might as well say this is my adorable nephew Noah. I took this pic when we went to Hershey Park a few weeks ago. He got his face painted, then we played in the water so although it looks like his "alien" side is escaping, it's really just the stubborn leftovers of what used to be... ya know ... I really don't remember what he got painted on his face. But it was something green.

Monday, July 23, 2012


So... I'm still putting the pieces together to try to make a functional computer.  
The one I've put together now is just missing sound... And the ability to play vid back without a hiccup. So I may have to bring the monitor back to moms and get speakers... And I'll just have to deal with the hiccups. 

I've still been piecing pages together on the side. I somehow figured out how to print a photo from instagram. I don't remember exactly but It involved emailing it to myself. And I somehow got to a version of it that was large enough to print nicely. It actually printed perfectly.

One of the last collage pics I posted to instagram I loved so much I had to use it for a page. I've been kinda saving the iPhone app photos for my smash book, but this one needed to be bigger.  


This page had a partner, but I'm still not sure if I like it...  

So hopefully I can get back to some videos for my new scraptastic youtube frens, but for now it's just not possible.  I'd use my iphone but I only have an 8 gigger, so it's got little mem left to hold a big flix. .. plus I'd need one of those spidery camera holders to hold it above my station... 

bleh bleh

who cares!

Going to bed. I think.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Out of order, but working on it...

Not dead!  Just out of commission due to a computer mishap... *tee hee*


But regretfully, it left me with nothing rather then just a slow chunk of annoyance...

So I hope to collect some other things besides this computer I'm borrowing from work to help me get back into some media-ing in the near near future!

Stay crafty!



Sunday, July 1, 2012

Little girls... *sigh*

I'm going to try to enjoy this time while I have it.

-While she still lets me take 700 photos in a day.

-While she helps me with the outside work.

-While she doesn't mind getting dirty.

-While she thinks watering the vegetables warrants a "special" outfit. (well, that probably won't change... )

   and I'm pretty sure those   hand dimples will be gone soon... 


So I went to a scrapbook expo yesterday, and I have to say there was little to inspire.  No real trendy stuff going on, but it was still fun to walk around and browse.  There was one stand that stood out,  I would said besides the october afternoon booth, this was one of the only other that I spent some real minutes at.  So I'm definitely going to check out some more online.  The two little cards popping out of the top of this layout are from Jenni Bowlin.  Super cute vintage style stuff. 

I had started this layout friday night, then finished it up this morning. I had so many good photos from last saturday that I was hard to just use one here, but I think this one stands alone quite well. 

The main thing here is a popped up layered look.  I used some Color mist Sprinklers from October Afternoon to mist the background.. Actually, I misted the background and on top of all the pieces, so the photo ended up with some ink on it, but I just wiped it off her face and left most of the rest of it.   The spraying water in the photo already kinda looked like that, so I figured it really didn't make a difference.


So Eleanor and I had a fun couple weekends.  Now we have to get work on July 4th stuff,  she'll need a special outfit I'm sure.  She's already asking me when we're going to make her Princess Dress.  (every dress is a princess dress to her...   and her puma sneakers she calls her ballerina shoes...  ?) 

Like I said, I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts and I wish it could last forever...  Little girls are just sooo stinkin cute!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Scraps on the beach

So these pics are beach themed...  but the layout itself doesn't scream beach.

I think just the blue background and the  brown bag ink shading kinda give it a

beachy feel...

I orginially was going to overlap the photos on top of the octagon background,  but after placing them, they just didn't look right.

My favorite part of this layout is the different fabric scraps under the octagon cut-outs.


The main idea I was going for here is just a big cluster.  Putting any little clusters around the edges would've just competed and looked too busy.  It's busy enough in the main cluster with fabric, ribbon, and brads.

As far as materials go here, most of it was using scraps.  I used one blue background cardstock,  some scraps of fabric, some ribbon, ric-ric, brads, and some scrap pieces of cardstock for the Beach letters and octagon outlines and the one by the word beach.  Lately, I've been on this kick to set the photos back a step.  Instead of being on top. This layout kinda takes the focus off the pictures a little.  Not that I don' t love the pics, but when you have a bunch of pics that aren't really the greatest photo masterpieces, putting them in a busy cluster lets you kinda jimmy up the photos without covering up the whole scene. You can still tell he's playing in the sand in one, he's on a ride in the other, and he's looking cool in his sunglasses! Three major beach activities!  So it's more of a story layout than a posed photo orient.

So here's the making of this layout! Enjoy and have a great week!


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Made by Fitty Layout for LIKES drawing!

Made by Fitty facebook page

Made by Fitty Prize drawing for Likes

Ok, on a mission to boost some MADEbyFITTY webstats!  SO I'm GIVING AWAY a custom 12 x 12 scrapbook layout, made to order, with your photos!  Just hit the "like" button on my facebook page.  That's it!

And all likers, current and new will be tossed into a bag on friday, and the liker I pull gets the prize.

And thank you to all my current customers, It's great to have been crafty with you!

Also, don't forget, I now offer my services through Etsy, so buy someone a special gift for that new baby!  Or that couple about to take the plunge!  Or that friend whose kid just does the funniest stuff! Or if you book just needs some help bulking up...

Good luck!!


Sunday, June 17, 2012


Well, it seems my daughter has the same fetish for glasses as I do...  only difference, she can see without them...    But she's not quite 3 so I'm sure that will change. Based on genetics, she has a slim chance of anywhere close I CAN SEE WITHOUT HELP!!!

Anyway, so she's been so attached to these little glasses that were an accessory to a build a bear chickie that I got her for Easter.

And since Easter, I've noticed I have a good pile of pics of her wearing these Harry Potter type glasses... and she just looks so darn cute!

So i decided to do some scrap with them...


Because some new youtube scrappy friend Melovebono had posted a challenge, and I decided to participate... I REALLY WANT a $30 to Jo-ANNS... or any other craft store of my choice!

Here's my vid response: MEloveBONOchallenge

And then, I decided some of the other pics with the glasses would work for my card from my daughter to Dad:

And the card:

 And if you want to see how smart they make her, friend me on Facebook and you can watch her in action...  lol...  Find me: Fitty Updike, or my page: Madebyfitty


Sunday, June 3, 2012

Getting ready for July 4th

So, it would seem I'm only a year behind on my scrapbooking... because I'm using last year's 4th of July photos...  but I'm actually way more behind than that on my own family stuff...  My method for getting my own scrapbooks done is pretty much... I dive into the photos, and whatever one gives me an idea.. I go for it.  So there are many many holes to fill, but it doesn't really matter. If I don't force it, the results are much better!

Anyway, so as you guessed, this layout if 4th of July inspired.  And since I had SOOO many pictures of Roo in that little patriotic dress dancing around on my mom's lawn... I needed to find a way to incorporate a whole good chunk of them on one layout. And honestly... I usually have a rule about too many photos on one page...  it makes it a lot harder to please the eye. But in this case, luckily her actual body on the 4x6' pics was small enough to cut them all down to just feature her and not the extra feet of carpety green.  So I made these little polaroid frames on my cutting machine ( and I inked them instagram style. They are ADORABLE!  So simple, but ended up to be my favorite part of the layout.  I did make extra and put them in my etsy store in case anyone doesn't have a machine, these are already inked and ready to go. POLAROIDS

I think this was one of the first dresses I made for ROO. She got to wear it twice because we also went to a carnival my husbands band BONEHEAD was playing at and she danced the ENTIRE time in this dress. I think she was trying to steal the show from her Dad...


So anyway, here's one idea for a 4th of July layout! I'm actually a month ahead with this! TADA! I will try to get more July 4th cuts in my store before the actual day! I started an etsy store... then I didn't like the name, so I closed it and just opened another using another account. So there's not much there just yet, but I'm working on it! Enjoy the fasty hands show!


I hope everyone has an amazing week!

And don't forget to MAKE ART! Even if it's a cherry tomato sculpture to bring to the office! It'll make at least 2 people happy!